Information is worth millions

Akktia helps you collect, analyse, and make decisions based on your data

Put it to work


Highly customised software solutions, from small business support to large scale data mining and analysis for business and academia


We smarten your business

You need to sift through large quantities of customer data, analyse patterns in your sales data or customer trends, and make decisions based on multiple criteria. We can help you convert your data into revenue.


We help you scale

You have developed a new technology or software product and you want now to comercialise your idea. We can fill the manpower and infrastructure gap until your spin-off gains critical mass.


We help you grow

You have a hobby, or passion, or perhaps an idea for a business, or all three in one. We help you create a website and build the software tools to get you started. Then follow your dreams and sky will be the limit!

We are experts in

Data collection

Database backended user interfaces and online forms, data collection automation

Data curation and visualisation

Making sure your data is reliably retrievable for future research, reference or reuse


Sift through your data with custom-built analysis software to extract accurate, timely and insightful conclusions


Take advantage of AI and machine learning to access deep insights and discover hidden opportunities

Decision making

Empower your decision making with algorithms based on custom-built mathematical models


Maximise the impact of your investments by modelling various scenarios and choosing the optimal in terms of outcome

Why Choose Us

Akktia builds on expertise from theoretical computer science and high-energy physics research to deliver software solutions to small and medium-sized businesses, and to academia.

You need to sift through large quantities of research or customer data. You need to analyse patterns in your data or derive customer trends, or make decisions based on multiple criteria. You need to collect information and estimate costs or demand for a product or service, and you need an online interface to do that. For all the above, and more, Akktia provides fast and reliable software solutions tailored to your requirements, with simple contracts, friendly terms, and excellent user support.